Martial Arts Show at The Red Theatre in Beijing

Kung Fu, the legendary martial arts, is one of the main attractions and assets of China. Anyone visiting China must visit the places linked to the traditional martial arts to learn about the philosophy of Kung Fu and also experience the breath taking beauty and difficulty of Chinese Martial arts.

If you’re travelling to China, you must visit Beijing, and once in Beijing, there’s no reason why you should not visit the Red Theatre and view “The Legend of Kung Fu” show, showed there every night.

Red Theater – Beijing

The Red Theater in Beijing was originally Chongwen Worker’s Palace. It’s located at 44, Xingfu, Dajie, Chongwen District, China.

The theatre presents the show named “The Legend of Kung Fu” every night. The show is popular all over the world for its acrobats and mesmerizing martial arts skills displayed in the show with a beautiful storyline.

The Legend of Kung Fu Show

red_theatre_martial_arts_showChina is a land of legends. Many legends were created thousands of years ago in the Middle Kingdom, including martial arts, which got famous with name of KongFu.

The show revolves around a similar theme too.

The show focuses on a young boy who dreamt of attaining enlightenment and becoming a Kung Fu master. He practiced Kong Fu along with Zen Buddhism as a little kid and later reaches the sacred goal of enlightenment when he grows up.

The show includes acrobatics and traditional martial arts moves along with music and story. The mesmerizing moves and thought provoking story keeps the viewers completely involved in the story and leaves them motivated and with a lesson as they return back.

The theme of the show includes:

Scene 1: Initiation

The story begins as the little monk arrives at the temple but fails to settle into the temple’s strict discipline due to his adventurous spirit. To make him motivated, the master shows him some of his unbelievable powers, telling him that discipline is the only way to achieve them, motivating him to adopt it. Then he gets the name of “Chun Yi” (meaning the pure one) as he gets initiated into the temple.

Scene 2: Learning

During the learning scenes, he’s shown to practice very hard and master many KungFu skills. The young boy transforms into a man as the years pass.

Scene 3: Casting

As the years pass, the hero of the story, Chun Yi, transforms himself into a solid and well-formed iron body and a skilled martial artist.

Scene 4: Illusion

During his pursuit of enlightenment, he gets a halt when he fails to suppress his natural desires and starts chasing an illusion of a beautiful fairy. This halts his Buddhist practices and he couldn’t proceed further.

Scene 5: Remorse

Once he loses his way of Buddhist practices, his Kung Fu gets damaged too. The illusion finally goes, leaving Chun Yi in great remorse. The monk punishes himself in that phase and starts meditating to free himself from all worldly desires. Ultimately he attains enlightenment again along with the same iron body with which he breaks metal and stones!

Scene 6: Passing through the gate

This is the final task for him to become a warrior monk. Once free of all ego and desires, he is now fearless and is capable of winning any battle!

Ending: Enlightenment

red-theatre-kungfu3The show ends once the monk becomes the Zen master after an arduous and long journey. In the end, the old master departs from this world as his funeral is lit through a pile of wood.

This show, beautifully crafted and fine tuned over time, is a must see if you want to see how beautiful and difficult Kung Fu is. When visiting Beijing, China, book your ticket for the show in advance so that you don’t miss out the show on the night you’re there!

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