Focus is not bad, but too much of it can be damaging. Let’s take for example a focused master of a martial arts school. His eyes are on a prize, too set in on the goal at hand. But he becomes this blunt person who doesn’t think twice on what he says just to get the job done. I’m talking about people who use the wrong words when talking to employees. You can be softer with your words by learning how to communicate like a winner.
There are certain techniques in communicating that have been used by professionals like Doctors and Nurses. In the medical field, it’s called Therapeutic Communication. It is a manner of speaking where health professionals choose their words carefully to avoid additional stress to patients and promote better rapport. You can also use this method in addressing your employees to attain a better work output while providing an improved working environment, and or working relationship.
One of the words that Doctors avoid is the question WHY? WHY is a word that tells the receiver that he has to think of some reason to justify his actions which makes him irritated. Instead of asking WHY, you can ask “what were you hoping to accomplish?â€
Words are not enough to convey an optimistic tone. A friendlier facial expression, a welcoming posture, and a more soothing voice can bring your intended message across. The goal here is to turn negative situations and words into positive ones by minding what we say and how we say it.
In cases where situations don’t go as planned, finger pointing must always be avoided. Instead of looking for escape goats, you as the master and the team should focus first on solving the problem. When the situation has been managed, that is the proper time to talk to the one who is at fault. But don’t use angry phrases like “what were you thinking?†or “how did things end up this way?†To interrogate, you can say “how can we do better†or “walk me through what happened during the lead-up to this event?â€
When talking to clients, you can also use this method to get better results. Instead of saying “what do you need to know about our school†which sounds a bit harsh, you can rephrase your question and say “may I describe recent work we’ve done for students and parents like you?â€
Words have power, so let’s use them to motivate and inspire employees, students, and parents. As they can be used for good, they can also cut like knives so let’s be careful on what we say and when we say it.