Comfort is the enemy of progress, its friend… stagnation. Businesses should always have advancement as its goal. Being satisfied with what you currently have is one of the signs of future failure. For example, past businesses who were giants in their industries like pagers and certain movie rental businesses are nowhere to be found. The thing to learn here is, change is inevitable, and like it or not, we have to keep up with it.
That’s what’s happening to the print industry nowadays. They are trying to move their business from traditional paper into the widely used world wide web. If they’re still trying to deny the fact that the internet is the current king of media, the magazine and newspaper businesses will die a slow death. Your martial arts school can have the same fate so I highly suggest that you put your thinking cap on and let the innovation begin! Here’s how to keep up with the changing times.
Let the Creative Juices Flowing
If you’re not the creative type, you can look for ideas within your staff. Create a team with different backgrounds and experiences and allot some of the working hours to be brain storm sessions. The idea here is to not create an all-star team. Mix the people in your company where you think one can be compatible with another.
Give the Ideas a Whirl
Thanks to your effort to promote creativity in your school, your team has offered some ideas on how to innovate. If there are a lot of ideas, discuss it with your team until you boil it down to 2 or 3. Then, give your ideas a try and see what happens. Take some risks.
Be Prepared to Fail
Failing is part of the learning process. Sure, effort, time, and money may be lost, but if your idea clicks, the payoff will be so big. So be patient. If it doesn’t work at first, assess the situation and know the reasons why it didn’t work. Fix it, and improve it. Then try and try until you…
Now if you’ve found something that really works then devote more time to this new endeavor. Remove some of your time to less productive projects and increase your time to new things that will really take off. Don’t start with new projects at this point and just focus on this new discovery. Time is a precious commodity so make sure you use it well.
Change can be scary. But history has reminded us, time and again, that not changing is even scarier. If you are willing to stay on the game, and even define the martial arts business, then be prepared to evolve.